The Truth in Love

Posted on December 31st, 2024

I have often found myself at fault for delivering the truth in a manner that could be described as hurtful. In my past, I mistakenly believed that being honest without a layer of grace was somehow acceptable or even commendable. However, I have come to realize that this perspective is fundamentally flawed.

It is clear to me now that at the core of our interactions should be the principle that God is love. The Scriptures teach us that we will be recognized by our love for one another, not merely by our ability to articulate the truth.

In practice, this means that when we need to convey difficult truths, it is essential to do so in a loving manner, infused with grace and mercy. It is entirely possible to love a person while disapproving of their actions. Moreover, we should consider that if the only representation of biblical principles someone encounters is through our interactions, then love should be the foundation of our motivation, rather than a desire to be right.

Being right with improper motivation can lead to destructive consequences, and expressing the truth in an insensitive way can cause more harm than good. Our ultimate goal should not be to assert our correctness, but rather to seek righteousness and a deeper understanding of love.

I have reflected on my past shortcomings and have repented for my missteps, acknowledging that I require daily forgiveness as I strive to grow and improve.

I encourage you to consider this for yourself as well: Have you taken the time to reflect on your own actions and seek forgiveness?

Catherine D. Marshall


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